Monday, February 24, 2020

Hate Crimes Toward Hispanic Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hate Crimes Toward Hispanic Immigrants - Essay Example One day in December 2008 on his way home from a bar and church party, Jose and his brother were walking along the road with their arms around each other which is a common behavior among the Latino cultures. Suddenly three men appeared yelling in anti Hispanic slurs. While his brother managed to escape, Sucuzhanay was struck on the head by a beer bottle. He was also hit on the head with an aluminum baseball. The attackers kicked and punched him severely. Causing him severe head fractures and extensive brain damage. A few days later Sucuzhanay passed away. When the two men were arrested they were only charged with a second-degree murder and assault. In real sense all hate crimes in America, could face 78 years to life in prison. On November 8, 2008 on Long Island in New York on, Marcelo Lucero, Ecuadorian real estate agent was thoroughly beaten and seriously wounded by seven teenagers who were driving around looking for Mexicans to attack. When the seven young men spotted Lucero, they got out of their car and man bounded him beating and stabbing him severely. When the matter was brought before the courts, the teens were only charged with gang assault. Steve Levy, the County Executive of Suffolk constantly talked against immigrants, including on Lou Dobbs Tonight. The New York Times reported about Lucero's death and hate crimes against Latinos. But all these seemed not to attract much attention. A possible execution in a New York community should be more than enough to force the American people to acknowledge the bitter truth that has overcome Latinos in the days of rage against illegal immigration. The situation began to change when the when republican politicians decided a few years ago to exploit immigration as a wedge issue. They formulated strict legislations to criminalize the events. Prominent personalities and radio talk show hosts latched on to the issue. Substantial efforts in congress to create an overhaul of the immigration system failed again and agai n. The opponents of these efforts wanted only to demonize and punish the Latino workers on which the country now appeared to depend on much. The sudden increase in hate crimes against Hispanics for the past four years is particularly worrying since hate crimes committed against other groups has over the same period decreased drastically (Altschiller, 2005, p.101). This noxious setting, in which horrible rhetoric targets immigrants while the number of hate crimes against Hispanics and people perceived to be immigrants steadily increases, has caused a sharp sense of fear among the communities living in the united states ( Researcher, 2010,84). Certain groups opposed to immigration reform, such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), and Numbers USA, have occasionally claimed that immigrants are responsible for numerous evils in the society. However they have often lacked valid and reliable evidence to support the claims. Even though these groups have tried to present themselves as lawful, advocates against illegal immigration in America, it has been revealed that these organizations have worrying relations with unlawful extremists in the anti-immigration

Saturday, February 8, 2020

A Strategic Approach to Tackling VAT Losses Case Study

A Strategic Approach to Tackling VAT Losses - Case Study Example That means you do not have to worry about importing them. You also do not need documents which are necessary for importing goods. These reasons are enough for you to accept the proposal given to you. But before coming to any conclusion let me caution you that there can be some limitations in the proposal which need to be taken care of. The most important hindrance in your way of accepting the proposal can be what is termed as the 'carousel' or 'missing trader fraud'. Now what is this 'carousel' or 'missing trader fraud' all about For explaining this, we need to elaborate further the exhibit-1. We will get a different picture which is shown in exhibit-2(Andy Leggett, 2006) given below. The MTIC fraud is explained below for your convenience. Before I can tell you something about carousel fraud and its various implications, let us have a look at missing trader intra community (MTIC) fraud because carousel fraud is a type of MTIC fraud. In MTIC fraud, a trader imports goods to one state (say UK) from EU member states without paying VAT and sells these goods to other trader after which the first trader goes missing. The first trader, however, has to pay the VAT. This type of VAT fraud was highlighted in November 2001 in the HM Treasury and HM Customs and Excise paper, Tackling Indirect Tax Fraud, Exhibit-2 that was published as part of the 2001 Pre-Budget Report. In this paper, MTIC fraud was described as follows: "VAT intra-Community missing trader fraud is a systematic criminal attack on the VAT system, which has been detected in many EU Member States. In essence, fraudsters obtain VAT registration to acquire goods VAT free from other Member States. They then sell on the goods at VAT inclusive prices and disappear without paying over the VAT paid by their customers to the tax authorities. The fraud is usually carried out very quickly; with the fraudsters disappearing by the time the tax authorities follow up the registration with their regular assurance activities." Thus in this type of fraud, a trader can disappear easily without paying VAT which means a loss for the states' economy. This fact is shown in the exhibit-2 below. In this exhibit it can be observed that there is a tax loss of 157,500 due to non payment of VAT by Trader B. One important thing to be mentioned here is that Intra-EU trades in goods statistics rely on the VAT forms which are a correct record of trade transactions. MTIC fraud affects the measurement of trade in goods through the role of the missing trader. There are two types of MTIC fraud. These are acquisition fraud and carousel fraud. Acquisition fraud is where the goods are imported from the EU into the UK by a trader who then goes missing without completing a VAT return or Intrastat declaration. The 'missing trader' therefore has a VAT free supply of goods, as they make no payment of the VAT monies due on the goods. He sells the goods to a buyer in the UK