Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Promote Professional Development - 1154 Words

Unit 2 Promote professional development The importance of professional knowledge and practice with in the role of a social care worker is so that they can be kept up to date with all the changes. Within the health care profession all staff must be proactive and focused in their roles, with an ever changing of legislation and minimum standards, it is important that training and the ways of working are kept up to date. Each person within the team should been given an opportunity to develop further within the company, if this mean that they attend further training, then this should be part of the company’s policies and procedure. A company can only be as good as the staff they employ. If the company wishes to progress to the heights of†¦show more content†¦Many companies now do work based learning were an independent training provider will come in and do NVQ’s with the staff to save them going to college. Professional development comes as well from the managers within the company as long as they are supportive. you can learn a lot from working with your managers. Talking to your managers either in formal meetings or in an open door policies helps to further your career. I have worked within the care profession for almost 9 years, in which i started as a support worker, I have been encourage along the way to develop my career by up skilling and doing the various training that is required. Within my role I am bound by the regulations and codes of practices set out by the CQC and the national minimum standards, I am responsible for making sure that the welfare of the staff and service user and their families . within my role I am expected to work with staff, service users and their families, that their rights and choices are met. for me to do this I have to follow the codes of practice that are set out before me and my knowledge is kept unto date so that I can pass this information on to the relevant people. Within my role I have risk assessments to do to make sure that all staff and service user are working within the health and safety of the company. Within the company we have a training manager who is responsible for setting out theShow MoreRelatedPromote Professional Development1216 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Yvonne Hemmings Leadership and Management Level 5 Assessment Task: Promote Professional development As a manager in your setting you know that the ability to reflect on your own practice is an essential skill. You have decided to prepare a set of guidance notes on the principles of professional development for your staff team which; 1 – Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explains the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. In my opinion I believe it is importantRead MorePromote Professional Development1379 Words   |  6 PagesPromote Professional Development I think it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice as things change very quickly within organisations, there are always new things to be learnt on everything that we do, sometimes the changes are made for the better to make peoples jobs easier, other times changes are made to keep up with new technology, policies or new information that has come to light recently. Having up to date knowledge is important for you as an individual but also forRead MorePromote Professional Development2561 Words   |  11 Pagesï » ¿CU2942 Promote Professional Development 1 understand principles of professional development 1.1 The importance of continually improving knowledge and practice is that you can ensure that you are aware of any new relevant legislation and you can also improve the service you provide. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you are good at as well as what you are not so good at, so that you can see what areas you can improve in. Professional development is an opportunity to reflectRead MoreEssay on Promote Professional Development1349 Words   |  6 PagesIt is important to continually strive to improve our knowledge and the way we practice, this can be applied to personal or professional goals. Developing our potential, will enhance our work role and promote our talents. It enhances our lives and contributes to achieving our dreams and aspirations Continued professional development is important, and it’s not just about attending training courses. It about promoting a culture for learning, with work based learning at the centre of this. In orderRead MorePromote Professional Development Essay1036 Words   |  5 PagesPromote Professional Development 4.1 Compare models of reflective practice Reflective practice is an essential means of developing basic skills and knowledge into expert skills and knowledge. Repetition of a particular skill enables a worker to become more competent in [performance, and eliminates poor practice. Workers can assist their team mates to improve their performance. Reflective practice helps workers think about how they could change their way of working – or should change theirRead MorePromote Professional Development Essays2745 Words   |  11 PagesPromote professional development CU2942 1. Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice Within my role, it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice so I am aware of how to give the best diverse and equal care to children, stay fully up to date with all standards and legislations. Regarding parents, they are the customer and this entails all care towards their child may need to be explained to them. E.g. what is the Early Years Foundation StageRead MoreUnit 502 – Promote Professional Development1079 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Unit 502 – Promote Professional Development Learning Outcome 1. Understand the principles of professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice It is important for me to continually improve my knowledge and follow best practice. I need to ensure that I am aware of and follow current RQIA Minimum Standards, Supporting People QAF and NISCC standards. By doing this I am following current legislation and guidelines for continued good practiceRead MorePursuing An Atmosphere That Promotes Professional Development987 Words   |  4 Pagescuts, downsizing and the overall decline in the economy. This in turn has required employers to devise new training practices; to become innovative with learning strategies and methodologies. The challenge to provide an atmosphere that promotes professional development has led to new formats for sharing knowledge and training. Learning takes place constantly, whether we realize it or not. We learn by listening, observing and teaching. We also learn through formal and informal formats. Both of theseRead MorePromote Professional Development Essay example2176 Words   |  9 PagesLHS2 – Promote professional development Outcome 1 – Understand principles of professional development 1.1 The important of continually improving knowledge and practice is that you can ensure that you are aware of any new relevant legislation and also you can improve the service that you provide. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you are good at as well as what you are not so good at, so that you can see what areas you can improve in. Professional development is an opportunityRead MoreUnit 2 Promote professional development3611 Words   |  15 Pagesï » ¿Unit 2 Promote professional development 1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice It is essential, in order to provide a good quality of service and ensure best practise, that managers and their staff receive the relevant regular mandatory training and updates. This training should be identified at the annual appraisal and then reviewed at supervision where positive/negative feedback can be given as appropriate to show how any training received is incorporated

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Business Plan of Skytrails Airline, Ltd. - 14517 Words

BUSINESS PLAN SKYTRAILS AIRLINE, LTD. London Stansted Airport London, United Kingdom SkyTrails Airline plans to establish itself as a niche player in the long-haul market of business travel. By continuously focusing on the needs of the premium-class business traveller, SkyTrails will provide the best value proposition in the markets it serves. It will offer customers a compelling value proposition: a high level of service and comfort at 50 percent of the current published business-class fare. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE COMPANY REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT MARKET ANALYSIS FINANCIALS APPENDIX EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose Having successfully raised  £1.3 million from angel investors, SkyTrails is now†¦show more content†¦Stansted benefits from an Open Skies Agreement with the USA. This enables SkyTrails to operate flights to any city in the USA without having to obtain special rights under the Bermuda II Bilateral Agreement which apply to Heathrow and Gatwick. SkyTrails has already obtained landing and takeoff slots at Stansted and JFK airports for its initial flights. Total traffic from U.K. airports to the USA amounted to 16.2 million passengers in 1999. After launching the JFK route, SkyTrails will then be able to expand by targeting other attractive markets in the USA (Boston, Chicago, Washington, D.C., etc.) as well as other continents depending on the regulatory environment. With a break-even point of 40 passengers per flight, SkyTrails will also be able to target medium and low density routes offering an enormous potential for growth and an important competitive advantage. Management It is important to note that during the first 12 months the operations will be handled by TravelAir which has ETOPS certification, thus taking away much of the operational burden from SkyTrails management and ensuring a timely launch. Markus Friedman, Chairman CEO of EBEL Watches (1991-1999) CEO of CWS (1964-1991) William Scott, Founder and Managing Director Assistant to CEO, Southern Winds (airline in Argentina) (1999) Associate, Global Transportation, Chase Manhattan Bank (1995-1998) M.B.A., Columbia Business School

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Workplace Communication Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Workplace Communication. Answer: Introduction In this essay, the topic is about workplace communication. The communication between me and my manager. This will specifically look at the communication between an employee or an intern and his or her manager. This essay will also look at instances where a breakdown in communication may exist, especially between a manager and his or her staff member. More specifically, this essay will seek to find out how this relationship can be restored and improved in the event that there is a breakdown in communication. This is very important given that it will bring about some changes in the way people communicate. The personal nature of this essay arises from the fact that it is between me and my manager. According to Kaye (2014), there are four layers of adult communication which applies also to various levels ofmanagement systems. Various, Russian dolls are used as an analogy to bring out the picture of various communication competences(Marshall Cacioppe , 2017). These comprise of interperso nal, systems and competence, self among others. With this model, it is important to know that competences can occur just at any level within the model. Normally, there is often a major difference with regard to the perception that most if not all managers tend to have with respect to the type and level of communications that they as managers can have with their subordinates (Kaye, 2014). On the other hand, there is some level of communication that the subordinates themselves often perceive they can or may have with their managers. One thing that I first observed is that managers in the private sector are less the same as managers in the public sector. Those in the private sector do not converse more with their staffs than those managers in the public sector(Stock, 2015). On the other hand, it is also evident that neither do private employees show there is a significant communication that goes on between them and their managers. Situation Normally I have viewed my manager's communication as strict and authoritative. This has been my view and perception. The problem with this scenario is that it makes one build formed opinions about individuals thus bringing about elements of being judgmental on the part of staff members. This perception was formed a long time ago and has been in practice for quite some time. The origin of this perception began in the days when employees were viewed by senior staff as people who have no mental power. As such they could not express their thoughts and opinion. They were looked down upon. Servant leadership was lacking in this kind of arrangement. While this kind of belief and perception is discouraged today, it is still very common. The behavior of some managers still has a negative impact on the subordinate staff. This behavior and communication style has not changed much (Maxwell, 2014). Many managers still view those working under them as failures who could not rise up to higher posit ions. This is heavily impacting on the success of various organizations negatively. Managers still hold a lot of power of subordinates. This type of power is dictatorial. Employees have very little say in some organizations. Employees have little room and thus conveying their feelings becomes impossible given that in some instances when an employee conveys his or her feeling these actions are taken as rebellion. Victimization thus becomes the order of the day. However, with the emergence of specific reforms, this trend is changing fast. Organizations are beginning to see employees as valuable assets within the organization. The value of an organization lies in its employees. Thus employees need to be heard and treated with respect. Not with dictatorial tendencies. Kaye (2014) argues that AdultCommunication Management Model is best in serving as a major reference point for purposes of determining existing levels of communication. This is the only way in which desired changes may be brought to the people especially to the employees. In this particular event, the first competence doll which is the intrapersonal level and the second competence doll which is the interpersonal level with regard to the Russian Doll Analogy (Kaye, 2014), are some of the very important and very relevant. According to (Gallo, 2016), self-doll which is the smallest and the most innermost part of this model holds that it is important to understand and know one's self. Self-analysis becomes better with self-examination. This is very important given that people need to understand how they affect other either directly or indirectly with their speech or even actions. In this scenario, I had to examine my feelings at the workplace with regard to my relationship with my managers as far as our communication is concerned. It is possible for one to get traumatized and to lose focus and purpose going by the behavior and character of their managers (Jonnes, 2014). This is a serious concern given that manager's actions are often revealed through speech. This causes anxiety and fearfulness that makes employees to be less productive. The fear of getting victimized makes employees not to be innovative in the work place. The issue to do with strict adherence to protocol also leads to a lot of bureaucra cy which is not good for an organization. Decision One thing I have decided to do as an individual is to separate my manager's words from his personality. Managers personalities may not really bring out the real feeling of the manager. Various persons have various personalities and this is something that must be understood and examined. Personalities issue need not become obstacles at the workplace. Emotional states of managers may be communicated through nonverbal signals. This, if wrongly interpreted may bring about serious issues which have no basis. Conclusion This essay deals purely with my relationship with my manager at work. It also identifies how poor relationship can bring about low productivity within the workplace. More importantly, his essay is keen at separating personal traits from work since each and every individual has certain specific traits. These personal traits if not identified and treated differently may lead to various conflicts within the workplace. References Gallo, C. (2016). Crucial Conversations. New York: CRC Press. Jonnes, M. A. (2014). Speech and Power. Chicago: Oxford University Press. . Kaye, M. (2014). Chapter 9: Contemporary Perspectives of Human Communication. (2nd, Ed.) Australia: Frenchs Forest. Marshall , V., Cacioppe , R. (2017). A Survey of Differences in Communication between Managers and Subordinates. Leadership Organization Development Journal. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from Maxwell, J. C. (2014). The Art of Communication: A workplace practise. Chicago: CRC Press. Stock, D. (2015). Difficult Conversations. New York: Penguin .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lets sex in bed free essay sample

Hi (magazine), teen lifestyle publication Hi and Lois, a comic strip Hi Records, in music, a Memphis soul and rockabilly label Hi River, also known as the Ili River, in northwestern China Hindi, an Indo-Aryan language by ISO 639-1 language code Hydrogen iodide, in chemistry, a diatomic molecule Hi, mobile phone brand of Dutch company KPN The abbreviation HI or H. I. may refer to: Hainan, as abbreviated on the pertinent Chinese government site URL Harlem International Film Festival, an annual five-day film festival Harpers Island, a CBS television show HI, nickname for the University of Iceland, from Haskoli Islands Hawaii, a state in the United States Health informatics, a discipline at the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care Hilal-i-Imtiaz, a Pakistani civilian decoration Historical institutionalism, in sociology, a social science method Holiday Inn, a brand of hotels Homeless International, a British non-governmental organization Hormonal imprinting, a biological phenomenon Hostelling International, a federation of youth hostel associations Human interface, a term in industrial design and computer science Humorous Interpretation, an event in high school forensics competitions See also H I region, in astronomy, an interstellar cloud composed of hydrogen High (disambiguation) HY (disambiguation) Hydrogen-1, in physics, monatomic hydrogen or protium Disambiguation iconThis disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. We will write a custom essay sample on Lets sex in bed or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Categories: Disambiguation pages Navigation menu Create accountLog inArticleTalkReadView sourceView history Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools Print/export Languages Cestina Deutsch Espanol Esperanto Francais Italiano Kiswahili Lietuviu Nederlands Norsk bokmal Portugues Romana Simple English / srpski Suomi Svenska Edit links This page was last modified on 28 January 2014 at 13:55. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , a non-profit organization.