Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Promote Professional Development - 1154 Words

Unit 2 Promote professional development The importance of professional knowledge and practice with in the role of a social care worker is so that they can be kept up to date with all the changes. Within the health care profession all staff must be proactive and focused in their roles, with an ever changing of legislation and minimum standards, it is important that training and the ways of working are kept up to date. Each person within the team should been given an opportunity to develop further within the company, if this mean that they attend further training, then this should be part of the company’s policies and procedure. A company can only be as good as the staff they employ. If the company wishes to progress to the heights of†¦show more content†¦Many companies now do work based learning were an independent training provider will come in and do NVQ’s with the staff to save them going to college. Professional development comes as well from the managers within the company as long as they are supportive. you can learn a lot from working with your managers. Talking to your managers either in formal meetings or in an open door policies helps to further your career. I have worked within the care profession for almost 9 years, in which i started as a support worker, I have been encourage along the way to develop my career by up skilling and doing the various training that is required. Within my role I am bound by the regulations and codes of practices set out by the CQC and the national minimum standards, I am responsible for making sure that the welfare of the staff and service user and their families . within my role I am expected to work with staff, service users and their families, that their rights and choices are met. for me to do this I have to follow the codes of practice that are set out before me and my knowledge is kept unto date so that I can pass this information on to the relevant people. Within my role I have risk assessments to do to make sure that all staff and service user are working within the health and safety of the company. Within the company we have a training manager who is responsible for setting out theShow MoreRelatedPromote Professional Development1216 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Yvonne Hemmings Leadership and Management Level 5 Assessment Task: Promote Professional development As a manager in your setting you know that the ability to reflect on your own practice is an essential skill. You have decided to prepare a set of guidance notes on the principles of professional development for your staff team which; 1 – Understand principles of professional development 1.1 Explains the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. In my opinion I believe it is importantRead MorePromote Professional Development1379 Words   |  6 PagesPromote Professional Development I think it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice as things change very quickly within organisations, there are always new things to be learnt on everything that we do, sometimes the changes are made for the better to make peoples jobs easier, other times changes are made to keep up with new technology, policies or new information that has come to light recently. Having up to date knowledge is important for you as an individual but also forRead MorePromote Professional Development2561 Words   |  11 Pagesï » ¿CU2942 Promote Professional Development 1 understand principles of professional development 1.1 The importance of continually improving knowledge and practice is that you can ensure that you are aware of any new relevant legislation and you can also improve the service you provide. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you are good at as well as what you are not so good at, so that you can see what areas you can improve in. Professional development is an opportunity to reflectRead MoreEssay on Promote Professional Development1349 Words   |  6 PagesIt is important to continually strive to improve our knowledge and the way we practice, this can be applied to personal or professional goals. Developing our potential, will enhance our work role and promote our talents. It enhances our lives and contributes to achieving our dreams and aspirations Continued professional development is important, and it’s not just about attending training courses. It about promoting a culture for learning, with work based learning at the centre of this. 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This in turn has required employers to devise new training practices; to become innovative with learning strategies and methodologies. The challenge to provide an atmosphere that promotes professional development has led to new formats for sharing knowledge and training. Learning takes place constantly, whether we realize it or not. We learn by listening, observing and teaching. We also learn through formal and informal formats. Both of theseRead MorePromote Professional Development Essay example2176 Words   |  9 PagesLHS2 – Promote professional development Outcome 1 – Understand principles of professional development 1.1 The important of continually improving knowledge and practice is that you can ensure that you are aware of any new relevant legislation and also you can improve the service that you provide. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you are good at as well as what you are not so good at, so that you can see what areas you can improve in. 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